Privacy Policy


The information requested by Transcriby such as access to your microphone or files will be used to provide a mobile app feature to you, such as a text transcription of your audio and save it in Files. Transcriby does not share audio or use them for other purposes except to transcript them.


Transcriby is fully functional without login and you don’t have to register to use it.


Transcriby uses Apple Analytics which are managed by Apple, if you don’t want to share data with apple please disable it on device settings.


Transcriby uses Google Admob to display advertising. To improve the performance of AdMob, Google may collect certain information. For example:
•A device ID, such as the device's advertising identifier: This data may be used for analytics purposes or to display third-party advertising.
•IP Address: Can be used to estimate the general location of a device.
•Crash logs not related to users: can be used to diagnose problems, can also be used for advertising and analytics purposes.
•Advertising data, such as information about the ads the user has seen, which can be used to improve advertising and analytics functions.